
Loyola University 新奥尔良 校友 Chapter Book Club

The 新奥尔良 校友 Chapter is hosting the "Favorite Reads from Your Favorite Faculty" book club starting in October 2023. 对于每个会话, we have invited a different faculty member from across campus to sit down with us via 变焦 to talk about what book they are absolutely loving at the moment. This year, Kevin Foose from the Counseling Department, Dr. Tracey Watts from the English Department, Dr. Lauren Doughty from the 历史 Department have agreed to talk all about the books that have kept them turning pages!

The topic for each of our book club discussions will vary. Some literature may be sensitive to the reader. Reader discretion is advised. Please register at least 24 hours in advance of each 变焦 session.

Meetings will take place on 变焦 on the following dates: 2023年10月23日2024年1月22日2024年4月22日

Join Kevin Foose for our first book club meeting to discuss David Sedaris' 海中女神 on 2023年10月23日, at 7 p.m. "I chose [David] Sedaris because his work is wickedly funny and filled with insight and honesty. 海中女神 lays bare the paradox of loving and living in the midst of the legacy of family. These collected essays are deeply personal while being filled with acerbic wit and wisdom as they examine universal themes to being human." We will be discussing the following essays from the compilation: 公司的人, 完美契合, 利维坦, 一个温和的建议, Why Aren't You Laughing? Register 在这里!

和医生聊天. 特蕾西·沃茨 穿墙行走, a memoir by Marina Abramovic, on 2024年1月22日, at 7 p.m. "I picked up Marina Abramovic's 穿墙行走 after a colleague piqued my interest with a story about a performance artist who ended her marriage to a fellow artist by completing a months-long walk, in which each of them started on one end of the Great Wall of China and walked toward a meeting point midway. I couldn't imagine a relationship in which two parties were willing to share such an unusual and difficult goal, it was even more difficult to imagine this event as an ending to a relationship, rather than a beginning or a reunion. I read Abramovic's memoir in order to understand her more fully, her memoir introduced me to a woman whose frequently radical performances were outgrowths and manifestations of a unique and beautiful way of seeing the world." 注册 在这里!

收听Dr。. Lauren Doughty's discussion with alumna Sara Ochs '14 about her forthcoming novel 这个度假胜地 on 2024年4月22日, at 7 p.m. 注册 在这里!